Textbook examines fashion design through theory- and skill-based applications. Various approaches to the design procedure and inquiry methods, historical context, textiles and knitwear, portfolio structures, and professional development are reviewed. Featured on international college-level required reading lists. Translated into English, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Czech, and German language; over 100,000 copies sold.

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Faerm, S. (3rd ed. in contract; 2nd ed. 2017; 1st ed. 2010). Mode Blueprint Course: Principles,

Practise, and Techniques: The Pr actica l Guide for Aspiring Way Designers. New York:

Barron'due south Educational Serial Inc.; London: Thames and Hudson.

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... Silhouette is an important element of fashion design and changes significantly with fashion trends [xv][xvi][17][18][xix][20]. This study has focused on two perspectives on the changing silhouette. ...

... Every bit a future work, we plan to interview experts in fashion sales and way design to confirm whether the location map obtained in this report is consequent with silhouette classification based on the sensibilities of experienced people. "Fashion and wear may appear to be the same affair, just they are far from it [15]." This statement represents the difference in concept between way and clothing. ...

The silhouette is an important element of style pattern. The designer'due south sensibility is expressed by the design changes in silhouette lines. The purpose of this research is to construct a silhouette classification benchmark and renew the silhouette category, The analyzed images that capture the silhouette transformations were selected from recent designer'due south collections of luxury brands: Dior, a traditional luxury make; Sacai, a new Japanese brand; and Doris Van Noten, one of the Antwerp 6. 11 measurement points used for the catwalk analysis were based on the reference points measured during the production of the apparel. The analysis utilized a combination of cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. As the results, 9 silhouette categories were obtained and the trend change was grasped visually by systematizing and classifying silhouettes that are important in predicting the future of mode blueprint. Moreover, this method could be applicative to automatic silhouette classification for unknown silhouettes.

... To tackle these challenges, nosotros wanted to develop a documentation form similar to the dual approach of Loke and Robertson [xl] in that it addressed and integrated, subjective, felt experiences, with external views on action and design resources. To exercise so, nosotros plant inspiring the concept of mood board from product design [23,93,94]. Moodboards are an evocative aggregate of visually stimulating images and media that can portray spatial aspects, move qualities, material properties [93], and aesthetic appreciations [94]. ...

... To do so, we constitute inspiring the concept of mood board from product design [23,93,94]. Moodboards are an evocative aggregate of visually stimulating images and media that can portray spatial aspects, movement qualities, material properties [93], and aesthetic appreciations [94]. They can inspire artistic thinking and drive discussions and reflections most abstract and concrete concepts [23], facilitating the motion between the abstruse qualities and the design particular. ...

... Apparel consumers very much tend to take fresh fashion and design individual identity to express through their clothes [15] , where the depression strategy always to have only i winner inside a market place place, at that place will be only ane player who will be defined as depression-toll brand [16] . Through creating unique products brands provide consumer important reason to go involved with the make and the fresh line seek consumer starts to go brand loyal followers [17] . Product development works as marketing booster, apparel marketers may use different methods in evolution, through analyzing the potentials for new products. ...

  • Jahid Hasan Jahid Hasan


... 8 Color is used as a form of expression and a visual representation of an individual's social identity. [9][10][11][12][xiii][14][15] People alter their fashion choices and bodies (hair color, lip color, peel, and eyes) in a personal way to construct a unique identity. 12,16,17 Color-in-context theory is how color associations are established: through social learning or biological predispositions. ...

The objective of this study is to make up one's mind if men would follow the "ruddy effect" when choosing colors for women to wear on a date, and also to determine if the colors that men would wear when going on a date would be the same as the colors that females (their engagement) would wish them to wear. A set of psychophysical data was generated from this experiment, where participants were asked to rank a set of 10 colored samples based on preference for each question asked. There were three dissimilar sets of colored samples. The set of colored samples given to the participant depended on the question. A total of five questions were asked. Scaling analysis was done on the data to organize a fix of items according to preferences providing values, an interval calibration (Z values), that stand for to the relative perceptual differences among the stimuli. The Z values were graphed to show the general preference of colors for women to wear, and the preference of colors for men to habiliment. A Spearman's rank‐lodge correlation coefficient (SRCC) was calculated comparison each individual's rank order with the mean rank lodge for that specific question. An boilerplate Spearman's rank lodge was calculated for each question and each gender in guild to determine the variability in answers. Scaling results indicate that men follow the "reddish effect," just women preferred to habiliment other colors such as turquoise, blue, or yellow depending on the outfit. Males and females agreed that no matter the colored bottoms (denim or black), blueish was the preferred color summit for men to wear. SRCC results showed a lot of variability between individual answers and the mean answer indicating that participants' rankings did not necessarily agree with general color preferences presented in the scaling analysis. While scaling analysis might propose certain color preferences such as men following the "cherry-red effect" and women preferring to wear blue, the poor correlation found using SRCC betwixt the private answers and the mean rank orders suggests that color preferences for each individual are inherently unique.

تعد شبكة المعلومات والمواقع الإلكترونية والميديا ذات قيمة استثنائية في عملية التعلم والتعليم والتقييم، خاصة بعد ظهور جائحة كورونا الحالية لما أوجبته علينا من ضرورة التواصل الإلكتروني، ومن هنا كان هدف الدراسة في كيفية استكمال طالبات الاقتصاد المنزلي لدراستهن وتقييمهن إلكترونيا، وتطوير مهارتهن العملية وتفكيرهن الإبداعي في تصميم الأزياء بإنشاء ملف الإنجاز الإلكتروني (East-Portfolio) ، ومن خلال المعالجات الإحصائية لفروض الدراسة، تحققت الفروض لصالح الاختبار البعدي مقارنة بالاختبار القبلي في كل من (تنمية مهارات تصميم الأزياء، التفكير الإبداعي)، وكذلك تحققت فروض لصالح العينة التجريبية مقارنة بالعينة الضابطة لكل من(تنمية مهارات تصميم الأزياء، التفكير الإبداعي) بالإضافة إلي إيجابية أراء المحكمين والطالبات لصالح ملف الإنجاز الإلكتروني.

  • Jahid Hasan Jahid Hasan


Wax prints were the primeval fabric prints exported to Ghana by the Europeans. These prints, commonly referred to as African prints, have distinguishing characteristics, with the before ones, known as classical prints, exhibiting symbolic patterns largely used by Ghanaians in the 19th and the 20th century. With the newer trends of fashion in the 21st century, the design preference in these special textiles changed from complex symbolic patterns to simple stylized patterns and cloth producers adopted more than artistic ways in designing to satisfy the taste and demands of cloth consumers. The purpose of the present practice-based inquiry was to widen the scope of African print designs past creating new designs that comprise classical and contemporary design concepts. Samples of African prints were observed and the findings led to the development of new designs christened 'Classicon'. These prints, based on the transitional design approach (TDA), combine the elements, principles and philosophy of both the classical and contemporary designs to create a class of designs that bridge the gap between the ii concepts. This written report recommends Classicon prints to Afro-axial designers not only to preserve African ethnic patterns but besides to update African classical prints to suit electric current fashion trends.

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